Sleep at Last with Ryan O’Neal

Are you a fan of The Fault In Our Stars? If you’ve ever watched the movie trailer, would you be able to name the artist of the song that plays in it? I have a feeling that most people are going to answer “no” to this one but thankfully, I can help you out on that one!

The artist goes by the stage name of “Sleeping at Last,” real name Ryan O’Neal. Most of his music is known through films and television shows, but I believe it is highly underrated. The song “Sun” from the trailer is a beautiful song – his genre being a mix of indie rock, emo and baroque pop. The first time I listened to his music, I thought, “this is amazing and it needs to be added into my sleepytime playlist.” It’s very light, mellow and the lyrics are touching and meaningful when you give them a clear listen.

One of my favorite songs in general is called “Turning Page” and was featured on The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 1. Aside from the fact that the Twilight movies have incredible soundtracks, I am so glad I was able to discover Sleeping At Last through it. Whenever I want a time of relaxation, meditation and peace, he is the first artist that I turn to.

Ryan has released 6 albums in the past 11 years, starting his launch in 2003. He has three full-length albums, while the other three a little more different than a usual soundtrack. In 2011, he created Yearbook where he would release three songs every month for one year, 36 songs in total. This was his first of the two concept projects he has worked on. The other one is called Atlas that had its start in 2013. It is planned to be an ongoing series of music, the first 30 songs being completed this year. Atlas: Year Two is currently in the works of being prepared for the upcoming new year. Finally, he released an album of covers that has 8 tracks, some which were picked up by the TV show Grey’s Anatomy.

While Sleeping At Last has had a share of features in films and television, I truly believe that this artist deserves so much more recognition. While some people believe that there is a beauty behind the artists who aren’t known worldwide as familiarly compared to the Bieber’s and Cyrus’, this is one case where I would be opposed. Ryan has a voice and a talent for producing and writing that is unlike to anything that I listen to on a usual basis with today’s popular music. His music is what I like to call “real music” – lyrics that have a deep meaning with a perfect, soothing voice to match. Being under an independent label, I would like to think that he has been incredibly successful given the circumstances.

What I’m trying to tell you is to go listen to his music because you won’t regret it – you may even thank me. Once you’ve listened to the song I linked above, there is no doubt in my mind that you, too will experience and appreciate the beauty that is Sleeping At Last.

Music Saves Lives (so does rehab)

There are many celebrities, young and old, who melt away because of the many spotlights that face them in the crazy world that is Hollywood. Although, there aren’t enough who decide to step away from the craze to better themselves. Young singer and actress Demi Lovato is a prime example of someone who has decided to regain herself to bring better health to her mind, soul and body. While she exudes such natural confidence externally, on the inside, she is full of the dark secrets of her past – the bullying, addiction, eating disorders, and self-harm. As one of her popular songs state, she is “rising from the ground like a Skyscraper” and still on this journey.

Growing up, Demi Lovato was not too different from young girls today – going to school, a passion for music, an eye for fashion and a starring role on Barney & Friends. Okay, so maybe the last part isn’t exactly a common opportunity, but this proves that Lovato was one of the rare ones even at a young age; full of talent, commitment and drive. While this seems impressive for a ten year old, look deeper into it and realize that there are negative affects drawn from this lifestyle. When someone who is not yet a teen is brought up with an actual work schedule, whether it is working with the famous, purple dinosaur, the beauty of childhood is slow taken away.

Before working on her first television show, Demi entered several talent contests and pageants in Dallas, Texas, where she grew up. She was constantly surrounded by critics and people her age who may have not been as nice as she was – bullying became a harsh reality of her childhood. It started for her as early as five years old. She was ridiculed by peers who confessed that their intent to being mean was simply because she wasn’t physically fit. This is something that a little girl shouldn’t have to worry about, but this is what happens when bullying comes into effect. It seems almost unbelievable that someone between the age of five and eight could consider becoming a bulimic but it happened with her. Soon after, she entered a depression and compulsively over-ate – her relationship with food was never a healthy one. This all being before the age of just ten years old.


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